Entered data
This database contains all available naturalisation rejection decisions issued in the first instance by the Ministry of the Interior in 2013-2016 and subsequent decisions about the eventual appeal issued in the second instance by the Minister of the Interior. Altogether the database contains 1612 decisions (1122 decisions issued by the Ministry of the Interior and 490 decisions issued by the Minister of the Interior). All decisions are identified by a four-digit working number (“prac. č.”) which are so referred to in the publications issued within this project. The decisions issued by the Minister of the Interior have the same working number as the decisions issued by the Ministry of the Interior with the only distinction that they consist of the letter “r” (e.g. prac. č. 1122 for the decision issued by the Ministry of the Interior and prac. č. 1122r for the decision issued by the Minister of the Interior in the same case). This database is being continuously added to by the administrative court case-law related to the analysed cases.